How to deal with Post Travel Depression

How to deal with Post Travel Depression

The hardest thing about travel is ‘the homecoming’ part. Not all of us have the ability to travel full time even if we wanted to. So the reality for us is usually returning back from the trip and getting back to the normal routine. And the longer your trip is, the harder it gets to cope up with reality. Post Travel Depression or Post Trip Blues, is quite real. Those who experienced this feeling will relate to what I am talking…

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Mt Batur Sunrise Trek – Things to keep in mind

Mt Batur Sunrise Trek – Things to keep in mind

Sometimes the view from the top of a mountain can become so addictive that trekking one volcano is not enough. After returning back from Mt Agung, I signed up for the Mt Batur trek. got myself a 4 hr shuteye and was ready for yet another trek. Well this time I was prepared and had an idea of what to expect while climbing a mountain. But Mt Batur is a baby volcano compared to Mt Agung. This 1700m active stratovolcano…

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Whistler, BC – Much more than just a Ski Destination

Whistler, BC – Much more than just a Ski Destination

Canada, the land of untouched wilderness and dynamic cities, is the second largest country in the world. With a sparse population of just 37 mil spread out over the massive landscape, it is easy to get out there and be alone with nature. Be it the massive spikes of the Rockies or the glittering lakes of Ontario, there is something alluring about this huge country. I had previously included Canada in my list of countries for Introverts. Canada is the…

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Mt Agung Sunrise Trek – Things to Keep in mind

Mt Agung Sunrise Trek – Things to Keep in mind

First things first, this is not an easy trek at all. If you are looking for an easy trek in your shorts and flip flops, Mt Agung is probably not a good choice. This is one badass mountain which requires 6-7 hrs of trekking through forests and lava rocks to reach the summit. This 3000m giant stratovolcano is the highest point in Bali and 5th highest in the whole of Indonesia. Mt Agung is also home to the Pura Besakih,…

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Where and What to eat in Jakarta

Where and What to eat in Jakarta

Like any other SE Asian city, Jakarta has its own repository of tasty offerings. After trying the best of street food in Bangkok I did look for similar outlets in Jakarta, but to be frank I would not recommend trying out the food from street stalls here as the hygiene standards are worse than in Bangkok. To save myself from the Traveler’s tummy, I went on to explore the pricey options in Jakarta and glad that I found few restaurants…

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